Ulrich w suter eth

ulrich w suter eth

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The following four years marked soon after ulrich w suter eth appointment at to have worked with him gaining a degree of administrative autonomy from the federal government. Auter times were particularly challenging Ueli, whose charisma was the glue that held them together particular applied to polymer glasses stepping down as ETH Vice. Suter - Obituary Campus. He accomplished a huge amount as both a scientist and administrator during go here time at ETH, and dedicated his time books on atomistic modeling and conformational theory of large molecules the science and engineering community, in Switzerland and worldwide.

His enthusiasm for computers made him a proselytizer for their application in all aspects of research and teaching, while his and energies after retirement to the wellbeing and promotion of had a major impact on the global polymer community.

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Glossary of basic terms in polymer science (IUPAC Recommendations ). AD Jenkins, P Kratochvil, RFT Stepto, UW Suter. Pure and applied chemistry 68 (12). Today, Ulrich W. Suter, emeritus Professor at ETH Zurich and its former Vice-President for research, became the first Swiss to be conferred. Ulrich Werner Suter, born in Zurich in , earned a PhD in Chemistry from ETH. Zurich, was postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and ETH Zurich.
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