Crypto bros dune

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So they spent millions on a book which usually goes for k with the idea to make the storyboards publicly available when previous owners. This one, in Spanish, referred to 'crypto bros' as 'criptolais', roughly meaning someone who is easily tricked or is a dunce. Unos criptolai. For a while, the lookbook or bible for Jodorowsky's Dune was free online. And all seemed right in the world. But now, the collective that famously purchased.
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Very few were produced, with one of these rare copies recently offered up for auction, where it was purchased by Spice DAO. A lot of intellectual property law is about might, not right � so if a bigger studio wants to shut down something that looks and sounds too much like Dune , even a careful and competent team could face a long court battle. Jodorowsky's Dune. Jodorowsky prepared a lavish "Bible" for the film with Moebius storyboards for the movie. Keep Reading Show less.